Wikimedia Commons Tak-sà tû cho-tet kung-hien ke mòi-thí chṳ̂-liau-khu, kîm-ha chúng-khiung yù 110,398,041 ke chhṳ-yù ke mòi-thí vùn-khien. |
Kîm-ngit thù-phién
A musician playing a tenor saxophone at a jazz festival in Uruguay. Adolphe Sax, inventor of the saxophone, was born on this day in 1814.
Kîm-ngit yáng-phién
![]() The Kaitiaki, the Sensor, and the Scientist – a documentary video by New Zealand's Science for Technological Innovation's National Science Challenge about the development of a sensor for public water quality measurement and monitoring such as of river pollution.
Hip-siong pí-soi
![]() Hip-siong sông-chai to liá-têu, chhâm-kâ ngài-teu tak ngie̍t ke pí-soi, tet-tó lìn-kám, chai chhṳ yit-ha sîn ke chú-thì! Ap liá-têu liáu-kié kien-tô! Chhèu-tiám
Na he ngì he thèu yit pái lòi liá-têu, ngì cho-tet siên khon «thi̍t-set thù-phién», «yù-mì thù-phién» fe̍t-chá «chui hó ke thù-phién». Ngì ya cho-tet chhai «Ngin-sṳt ngài-têu ke hip-siong sṳ̂-fu» lâu «Ngin-sṳt ngài-têu ke va̍k thù sṳ̂-fu» tú hi khon ngài-têu chôn-kâ tén-khip kung-hien-chá ke chok-phín. Ngì khó-nèn voi tui «ngièn-thu thù-phién» yù him-chhi. Nui-yùng
11-ngie̍t 6-ngit ke thù-phién
On chú-thìChhṳ-yèn Sa-fi ■Vùn-fa Khô-ho̍k Kûng-chhàng On Fông-viThi-khiù Thai-khûng On fûn-luiThù-phién Sâng-yîm On chok-cháKien-chuk sṳ̂-fu ■ Chok-khiuk-kâ ■ Fa-kâ ■ Hip-siong sṳ̂-fu ■ Tiâu-khiet sṳ̂-fu On pán-khiènSu-khièn fông-sṳt On lòi-ngiènThù-phién lòi-ngièn |