That dollar value reflects an average 15.4% increase for all avocados shippers compared to $6.31 billion five years earlier in 2019.
From 2022 to 2023, the value of globally exported avocados achieved a 4.1% advance starting from $7 billion.
Noted for their smooth texture, avocados have a distinct and subtle flavor used in savory and sweet dishes around the globe. These pear-shaped berries have a high fat content and are popular in vegetarian recipes as a meat-substitute in sandwiches and salads.
Once again, the 3 biggest exporters of avocados in 2023 were Mexico, Netherlands and Peru. Added together, shipments from this powerful trio of suppliers generated just over two-thirds (67.1%) of the worldwide value of avocado exports.
Turning to continents, suppliers located in North American countries generated the strongest international sales for avocados during 2023 with shipments valued at $2.96 billion or about two-fifths (40.7%) of the global total. In second place were exporters in Europe at 25.4% while another 21.5% of the world’s avocado shipment originated from Latin America excluding Mexico but including the Caribbean.
Smaller percentages came from Africa (6.8%), Asia (4.4%) then Oceania (1.1%) mostly Australia and New Zealand.
For research purposes, the 6-digit Harmonized Tariff System code prefix for avocados is 080440.
Avocados Exports by Country
Below are the 15 countries that exported the highest dollar value worth of avocados during 2023.
- Mexico: US$2.8 billion (39% of total avocados exports)
- Netherlands: $1.1 billion (14.9%)
- Peru: $963.4 million (13.2%)
- Spain: $413.9 million (5.7%)
- Israel: $260.8 million (3.6%)
- Chile: $244.7 million (3.4%)
- Colombia: $200.9 million (2.8%)
- Morocco: $152.7 million (2.1%)
- South Africa: $144.6 million (2%)
- Kenya: $141.8 million (1.9%)
- United States: $128.4 million (1.8%)
- France: $99.5 million (1.4%)
- Dominican Republic: $97.2 million (1.3%)
- Germany: $62.2 million (0.9%)
- Australia: $53.8 million (0.7%)
By value, the listed 15 countries shipped 94.6% of globally exported avocados in 2023.
Among the top exporters, the fastest-growing exporters of avocados since 2022 were: Israel (up 158.8%), Australia (up 36.4%), South Africa (up 22.4%) and Germany (up 22.1%).
Major suppliers that posted declines in their exported avocados sales were: United States of America (down -14.2% from 2022), Mexico (down -9.8%) and Spain (down -0.5%).
Countries Collecting Largest Trade Surpluses from Avocados
The following countries posted the highest positive net exports for avocados during 2023. Investopedia defines net exports as the value of a country’s total exports minus the value of its total imports. Thus, the statistics below present the surplus between the value of each country’s exported avocados and its import purchases for that same commodity.
- Mexico: US$2.8 billion (net export surplus down -9.8% since 2022)
- Peru: $963.4 million (up 9%)
- Israel: $260.6 million (up 158.7%)
- Colombia: $198.5 million (up 11.3%)
- Chile: $151 million (up 4.7%)
- Morocco: $144.2 million (up 1%)
- South Africa: $142.4 million (up 23.9%)
- Kenya: $141.8 million (up 10%)
- Dominican Republic: $96.6 million (up 20.8%)
- Australia: $39.1 million (reversing a -$679,000 deficit)
- Brazil: $38.6 million (up 137.9%)
- Tanzania: $37.4 million (up 78.3%)
- New Zealand: $27.7 million (down -46.3%)
- Guatemala: $14.2 million (up 47.9%)
- Portugal: $7.8 million (up 271.2%)
World-leading avocados exporter Mexico has the highest surplus in the international trade of the popular commodity. In turn, this positive cashflow confirms strong Mexican competitive advantages for this specific product category.
Countries Posting Worst Trade Deficits from Avocados
The following countries posted the highest negative net exports for avocados during 2023. Investopedia defines net exports as the value of a country’s total exports minus the value of its total imports. Thus, the statistics below present the deficit between the value of each country’s imported avocados purchases and its exports for that same commodity.
- United States: -US$3 billion (net export deficit down -8.4% since 2022)
- France: -$495.9 million (up 14.1%)
- Germany: -$461.3 million (up 38.1%)
- United Kingdom: -$268.9 million (up 10.3%)
- Canada: -$242.7 million (down -10.2%)
- Japan: -$160.4 million (up 0.7%)
- Russia: -$154 million (up 35.4%)
- mainland China: -$151.2 million (up 34.9%)
- Spain: -$144.6 million (reversing a $5.4 million surplus)
- Italy: -$131.4 million (up 30.7%)
- Poland: -$102.1 million (up 41.6%)
- Netherlands: -$80.7 million (up 1,136%)
- Switzerland: -$74.6 million (up 15.6%)
- Norway: -$64.7 million (up 5.9%)
- Argentina: -$61 million (up 8.8%)
The United States of America incurred the highest deficit in the international trade of avocados. In turn, this negative cashflow highlights America’s competitive disadvantage for this specific product category but also signals opportunities for avocados-supplying countries that help satisfy the powerful consumer demand.
Avocados-based Foods and Drinks
Avocados are not typically eaten raw. Rather, avocados are used as supplementary ingredients in many dishes, condiments, sauces and beverages. Below, you will find examples of avocado-based culinary foods and drinks.
- avocado bread
- avocado cake
- avocado cooking oil
- avocado cream sauce
- avocado fries
- avocado margarita
- avocado milk coffee drink
- avocado soup
- deep-fried avocado
- féroce d’avocat tangy spread
- guacamole dip or salad dressing
- guasacaca avocado-based sauce
- mashed avocado on toast
See also Bananas Exports by Country, Grapes Exports by Country, Apples Exports by Country and Oranges Exports by Country
Research Sources:
Central Intelligence Agency, The World Factbook Field Listing: Exports – Commodities. Accessed on August 1, 2024
Forbes Global 2000 rankings, The World’s Biggest Public Companies. Accessed on August 1, 2024
International Trade Centre, Trade Map. Accessed on August 1, 2024
Investopedia, Net Exports Definition. Accessed on August 1, 2024
Wikipedia, Avocado. Accessed on August 1, 2024
Wikipedia, List of avocado dishes. Accessed on August 1, 2024