That dollar metric results from a 35.3% increase in value from five years earlier in 2019 when exported pickles amounted to $638.2 million.
Year over year, worldwide sales of pickle exports gained 9.4% compared to $789.3 million starting from 2022.
The 5 biggest exporters of pickles are Germany, Türkiye, India, United States of America, and the Netherlands. Collectively, that quintet of leading suppliers accounted for almost three-quarters (73.5%) of globally exported pickles.
Among continents, suppliers in European countries generated the highest dollar worth of exported pickles during 2023 with shipments valued at $379.8 million or 44% of the world total. Close behind in second place were exporters in Asia at 43.2% while another 11.5% of worldwide shipments of pickles originated from North America.
Smaller percentages came from suppliers in Africa (1%), Latin America (0.2%) excluding Mexico but including the Caribbean, then Oceania (0.1%) mostly Australia and New Zealand.
For research purposes, the 6-digit Harmonized Tariff System code prefix for pickles is 200110. Technically, the product is described as cucumbers and gherkins prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid.
Top Pickles Exporters by Country
Below are the 15 countries that exported the highest dollar value worth of pickles during 2023.
- Germany: US$166.1 million (19.2% of total exported pickles)
- Türkiye: $159.8 million (18.5%)
- India: $156.9 million (18.2%)
- United States: $82.7 million (9.6%)
- Netherlands: $68.9 million (8%)
- Poland: $34 million (3.9%)
- Vietnam: $20.1 million (2.3%)
- Hungary: $14.1 million (1.6%)
- Czech Republic: $11.4 million (1.3%)
- mainland China: $10.2 million (1.2%)
- Canada: $9.8 million (1.1%)
- France: $9 million (1%)
- Serbia: $8.93 million (1%)
- Spain: $8.92 million (1%)
- North Macedonia: $8.6 million (1%)
By value, the listed 15 countries shipped 89.1% of globally exported pickles in 2023.
Among the top exporters, the fastest-growing exporters of pickles since 2022 were: North Macedonia (up 42.8%), Spain (up 34.2%), Czech Republic (up 33.7%) and France (up 30.3%).
Four major suppliers posted declines in their international sales of pickles, namely: mainland China (down -7% from 2022), Netherlands (down -6.7%), Hungary (down -3.3%) and Poland (down -1.9%).
Countries Reaping Largest Trade Surpluses from Pickles
The following countries posted the highest positive net exports for pickles during 2023. Investopedia defines net exports as the value of a country’s total exports minus the value of its total imports. Thus, the statistics below present the surplus between the value of each country’s exported pickles and its import purchases for that same commodity.
- Türkiye: US$159.4 million (net export surplus up 11.4% since 2022)
- India: $156.8 million (up 24.3%)
- Germany: $75.9 million (up 56.9%)
- Vietnam: $19.7 million (up 0.6%)
- Poland: $14.6 million (down -1.4%)
- Netherlands: $12.3 million (down -45.8%)
- North Macedonia: $8.4 million (up 43.2%)
- Sri Lanka: $7.9 million (up 3.1%)
- Egypt: $7.1 million (down -15.2%)
- Hungary: $5.1 million (down -21.2%)
- Lebanon: $4.7 million (up 124.9%)
- Uzbekistan: $2.3 million (down -41.9%)
- Iran: $1.6 million (up 30.5%)
- Serbia: $1.4 million (down -53.3%)
- Croatia: $906,000 (reversing a -$109,000 deficit)
Türkiye and India generated the highest surpluses in the international trade of pickles. In turn, this positive cashflow confirms their strong competitive advantages for this specific product category.
Countries Enduring Largest Trade Deficits from Pickles
The following countries posted the highest negative net exports for pickles during 2023. Investopedia defines net exports as the value of a country’s total exports minus the value of its total imports. Thus, the statistics below present the deficit between the value of each country’s imported pickles purchases and its exports for that same commodity.
- Canada: -US$65.1 million (net export deficit up 5.9% since 2022)
- United Kingdom: -$57.9 million (up 7.7%)
- France: -$40.3 million (up 11.1%)
- United States of America: -$28.8 million (down -10.6%)
- Romania: -$19.7 million (up 23.7%)
- Australia: -$17 million (up 7%)
- Switzerland: -$16.7 million (up 8.6%)
- Russia: -$15.6 million (down -23.5%)
- Belgium: -$14.3 million (down -5.1%)
- Austria: -$13.5 million (up 74.4%)
- Finland: -$12.3 million (up 21.9%)
- South Korea: -$9.8 million (up 1.5%)
- Spain: -$8.9 million (down -3.3%)
- Bulgaria: -$8.68 million (up 20.1%)
- mainland China: -$8.68 million (up 54.4%)
Canada incurred the highest deficit in the international trade of pickles. In turn, this negative cashflow highlights Canada’s competitive disadvantage for this specific product category but also signals opportunities for pickles-supplying countries that help satisfy the powerful demand from consumers.
Pickles Exporting Companies
According to global trading platform Alibaba, the following suppliers are examples of pickles exporting companies. The home-country location for each business is shown within parentheses.
- Diane Doux (France)
- Kalaycioglu Gida Pazarlama Sanayi (Turkey)
- Lunii Foods, LLC (United States)
- Marvino Trading Limited (Hong Kong)
- Orient Vietnam Company Limited (Vietnam)
- Riviana Foods Pvt Ltd (India)
- Yantai Reiyo Foods Co Ltd (China)
See also Imported Pickles by Country, Top Cucumbers Exporting Countries, Top Sweet Pepper and Chili Pepper Exporters and Eggplant Exports by Country
Research Sources:
Alibaba, Supplier showroom for pickles. Accessed on September 25, 2024
Central Intelligence Agency, The World Factbook Field Listing: Imports – Commodities. Accessed on September 25, 2024
International Trade Centre, Trade Map. Accessed on September 25, 2024
Investopedia, Net Exports Definition. Accessed on September 25, 2024
Wikipedia, Pickled cucumber. Accessed on September 25, 2024