Year over year, the overall value of exported meat pertinent to sheep and lambs diminished by -8.5% compared to $8.4 billion for 2022.
In this article, the term lamb refers to the meat from younger sheep. Specifically, they are classified as being one year old or less.
Drilling down to more detailed product types, the most valuable form of exported sheep and lamb meat were frozen cuts of sheep including bones at 38.5% of the overall total. In second place were exported fresh or chilled lamb carcasses and half-carcasses (20.3%) slightly ahead of fresh or chilled cuts of sheep meat including bones (15%) then frozen boneless cuts of sheep meat (11.6%).
Smaller percentages are attributed to fresh or chilled boneless cuts of sheep meat (5.8%), fresh, chilled or frozen goat meat (4.5%), fresh or chilled sheep carcasses and half-carcasses (3.5%) excluding lambs, frozen sheep carcasses and half-carcasses (2.5%) excluding lambs, then frozen lamb carcasses and half-carcasses (1.8%).
For research purposes, the 6-digit Harmonized Tariff System code prefixes are: 020410 for fresh or chilled lamb carcasses and half-carcasses; 020421 for fresh or chilled sheep carcasses and half-carcasses; 020422 for fresh or chilled cuts of sheep meat with bone; 020423 for fresh or chilled boneless cuts of sheep meat; 020430 for frozen lamb carcasses and half-carcasses; 020441 for frozen sheep carcasses and half-carcasses; 020442 for frozen cuts of sheep with bone; and 020443 for frozen boneless cuts of sheep meat.
Top Sheep and Lamb Meat Exports by Country
Below are the 10 countries that exported the overall highest dollar value worth of sheep and lamb meat during 2023.
- Australia: US$3.1 billion (up 5.9% from 2019)
- New Zealand: $2.3 billion (down -10.8%)
- United Kingdom: $679.7 million (up 33.3%)
- Ireland: $425.6 million (up 25.5%)
- France: $384.9 million (up 581.2%)
- Netherlands: $306.4 million (up 46.4%)
- Spain: $265 million (up 31.2%)
- Belgium: $120.4 million (up 8.4%)
- Uruguay: $90.4 million (up 23.5%)
- Pakistan: $74.3 million (up 144.9%)
By value, the listed 10 countries shipped 92.7% of all exported sheep and lamb meat in 2023.
Among the above countries, the fastest-growing exporters of sheep and lamb meat since 2019 are France (up 581.2%), Pakistan (up 144.9%), Netherlands (up 46.4%), United Kingdom (up 33.3%) then Spain (up 31.2%).
The lone decliner from 2019 to 2023 was New Zealand thanks to its -10.8% reduction.
Top Exporters of Frozen Sheep Meat
The following 10 countries sold the greatest amount of frozen sheep meat on global markets during 2023 by dollar value.
- Australia: US$1.99 billion (up 4.6% from 2019)
- New Zealand: $1.9 billion (down -5.6%)
- Netherlands: $163.3 million (up 113.5%)
- Uruguay: $90.1 million (up 23.3%)
- Spain: $74.8 million (up 0.5%)
- Ireland: $60.9 million (up 7.6%)
- Germany: $47.2 million (down -3.7%)
- Mongolia: $37.7 million (up 168.1%)
- Chile: $32.6 million (down -7%)
- United Kingdom: $26.3 million (down -18.1%)
By value, the listed 10 countries shipped 96.7% of exports of frozen sheep meat in 2023.
Overall, international sales of frozen sheep meat rose 1.3% since 2019 but fell by -14.6% from 2022 to 2023.
Among the above countries, the fastest-growing exporters of frozen sheep meat since 2019 were Mongolia (up 168.1%), Netherlands (up 113.5%), Uruguay (up 23.3%), Ireland (up 7.6%) then Australia (up 4.6%).
There severest top decliners over the 5-year period were the United Kingdom (down -18.1% from 2019), Chile (down -7%), New Zealand (down -5.6%) and Germany (down -3.7%).
Top Exporters of Fresh Sheep Meat
By dollar value, the following 10 countries sold the greatest amount of fresh or chilled sheep meat to international buyers during 2023.
- Australia: US$1.1 billion (up 8.5% from 2019)
- United Kingdom: $653.4 million (up 36.8%)
- New Zealand: $383 million (down -30.2%)
- France: $370.4 million (up 701.5%)
- Ireland: $364.6 million (up 29.1%)
- Spain: $190.2 million (up 49.1%)
- Netherlands: $143.1 million (up 7.8%)
- Belgium: $98.3 million (up 57.4%)
- Pakistan: $74.1 million (up 144.7%)
- India: $69.2 million (down -26.8%)
By value, the listed 10 countries shipped 91.9% of exports of fresh or chilled sheep meat in 2023.
Worldwide revenues from exported fresh or chilled sheep meat gained 21.5% since 2019, contrasting with the -0.3% flatlining rise from 2022 to 2023.
Among the listed countries, the fastest-growing exporters of fresh or chilled sheep meat since 2019 were France (up 701.5%), Pakistan (up 144.7%), Belgium (up 57.4%), Spain (up 49.1%) and the United Kingdom (up 36.8%).
There was a pair of decliners over the 5-year period, namely New Zealand (down -30.2% from 2019) and India (down -26.8%).
Top Exporters of Lamb Meat
By dollar value, the following 10 countries sold the greatest amount of fresh, chilled or frozen lamb meat on worldwide markets during 2023.
- United Kingdom: US$548,780,000 (up 119.3% from 2017)
- Australia: $281,379,000 (down -16%)
- France: $279,505,000 (up 3,709%)
- Ireland: $157,487,000 (up 89.5%)
- Spain: $150,181,000 (up 46.6%)
- Netherlands: $65,954,000 (down -28.9%)
- Pakistan: $65,132,000 (up 910.1%)
- Belgium: $45,516,000 (up 158.8%)
- Greece: $36,856,000 (2022 data unavailable)
- Tanzania: $26,233,000 (2022 data unavailable)
By value, the listed 10 countries shipped 89.2% of fresh, chilled or frozen lamb meat exported throughout 2023.
International sales of exported lamb meat increased by 62.9% since 2019 and accelerated by 17.3% from 2022 to 2023.
Among the above countries, the fastest-growing exporters of fresh, chilled or frozen lamb meat were France (up 3,709% from 2022), Pakistan (up 910.1%), Belgium (up 158.8%) then the United Kingdom (up 119.3%).
The two setbacks over the 5-year period belong to leading lamb meat suppliers the Netherlands (down -28.9% from 2022) and Australia (down -16%).
See also Top Beef Exporting Countries, Pork Exports by Country, Chicken Exports by Country and Top Goat Meat Exports by Country
Research Sources:
Central Intelligence Agency, The World Factbook Field Listing: Exports – Commodities. Accessed on October 17, 2024
International Trade Centre, Trade Map. Accessed on October 17, 2024
Wikipedia, Sheep. Accessed on October 17, 2024