Two other mammoth Italian firms in the energy sector are oil and gas competitor Eni and electricity and natural gas supplier Enel.
To give some contextual perspective on recent company performance, the overall value of Italian exports rose by 16.6% from US$457 billion in 2015 up to $532.7 billion during 2019. From 2018 to 2019, Italy’s exported goods depreciated by -3.1%.
In the analysis below, we compare 10 of Italy’s top export-oriented companies based on asset values, sales and profitability at December 2019. Also presented is the Italian city where each business has its headquarters.
Italy’s Top 10 Major Export Companies
Below are Italy’s biggest companies associated with exports organized by asset value. Shown within parentheses is the primary industry in which each company operates. Also shown is the change in asset value as of December 2019 compared to 2018.
- UniCredit Group (bank): US$960.5 billion, down -4.4% from 2018
- Intesa Sanpaolo (bank): $916.1 billion, down -4.3%
- Enel (electricity, natural gas): $192.4 billion, down -1.5%
- Banco BPM (bank): $187.5 billion, down -3.2%
- Banca MPS (bank): $148.5 billion, down -11.2%
- Eni (oil, gas): $131.7 billion, down -8%
- Atlantia (infrastructure, mobility networks): $91.1 billion, up 87.1%
- Telecom Italia (telecommunications): $78.7 billion, down -5.9%
- Leonardo (aerospace, defense): $30.2 billion, up 0.3%
- Ferrari (automobile maker): $6.1 billion, up 13%
Three among these big Italian firms expanded their assets from 2018 to 2019 namely Atlantia (up 87.1%), Ferrari (up 13%) and aerospace company Leonardo (up 0.3%).
The severest year-over-year declines belonged to Banca MPS (down -11.2%), oil and gas producer Eni (down -8%) and Telecom Italia (down -5.9%).
Sales is the life blood of most businesses, particularly for firms that compete on the international stage. Four among the following companies generated sales improvements from 2018 to 2019 led by digital infrastructure player Atlantia (up 70.5%), aerospace business Leonardo (up 18.5%), Banco BPM (up 11.5%) and automotive industry icon Ferrari (up 5%).
- Enel: US$86.6 billion, down -3.1% from 2018
- Eni: $72.5 billion, down -4%
- Intesa Sanpaolo: $41.3 billion, down -2.8%
- UniCredit Group: $28.8 billion, down -0.7%
- Telecom Italia: $20.1 billion, down -10.3%
- Leonardo: $15.4 billion, up 18.5%
- Atlantia: $10.4 billion, up 70.5%
- Banco BPM: $5.8 billion, up 11.5%
- Banca MPS: $4.7 billion, down -27.7%
- Ferrari: $4.2 billion, up 5%
Leading the decliners year over year were Banca MPS (down -27.7%) and Telecom Italia (down -10.3%).
Oil and gas player Eni went from a $3.9 billion profit in 2018 to incurring a -$4.3 loss at December 2019. Similarly Banca MPS suffered a billion loss in 2019.
- Intesa Sanpaolo: US$4.7 billion, down -43.4% from 2018
- UniCredit Group: $3.6 billion, down -41%
- Enel: $2.4 billion, down -57.6%
- Atlantia: $1.2 billion, down -7.7%
- Telecom Italia: $1 billion, down -23.1%
- Leonardo: $918.9 million, up 199.3%
- Banco BPM: $887.6 million, down -70.4%
- Ferrari: $778.8 million, up 18.9%
- Banca MPS: -$1.1 billion, down by -72.5%
- Eni: -$4.3 billion, reversing a $3.9 billion profit
Only two among the above Italian businesses improved their profits from 2018 to 2019 namely aerospace supplier Leonardo (up 199.3%) and automobile maker Ferrari (up 18.9%).
Leading the percentage shrinkage from 2018 to 2019 were Banco BMP (down -70.4%), oil and gas firm Enel (down -57.6%), financial institution Intesa Sanpaolo (down -43.4%), UniCredit Group (down -41%) and Telecom Italia (down -23.1%).
Five of Italy’s major export companies have their headquarters in Rome, Italy’s capital and largest city. The second-most highly populated Italian city, Milan is home to a pair of top Italian enterprises.
- Atlantia: Rome
- Banca MPS: Siena
- Banco BPM: Milan
- Enel: Rome
- Eni: Rome
- Ferrari: Maranello
- Intesa Sanpaolo: Turin
- Leonardo: Rome
- Telecom Italia: Rome
- UniCredit Group: Milan
Note: Some of the above company offerings may include products other than the principal category shown within parenthesis under the Assets tab.
For example, Atlantia is a holding company that operates through a handful of business segments including Italian Motorways, Italian Airports, Overseas Motorways and Other Activities. The Overseas Motorways segment deals with the holders of motorway concessions in Chile, Brazil and Poland.
See also Italy’s Top 10 Exports, Italy’s Top 10 Imports and Italy’s Top Trading Partners
Research Sources:
Forbes Global 2000 individual company profiles, Example of top Italian company compiled for this study: Eni. Accessed on August 29, 2020
Forbes Global 2000 rankings, The World’s Biggest Public Companies. Accessed on August 29, 2020
Forbes Banca Popolare di Milano (at May 2016). Accessed on August 29, 2020
GuruFocus Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena. Accessed on August 29, 2020
International Trade Centre, Trade Map. Accessed on August 29, 2020
MarketWatch, Prada S.p.A. Financials. Accessed on August 29, 2020
S&P Global, Market Intelligence Data Dispatch: The world’s 100 largest banks. Accessed on August 29, 2020
Wikipedia, Banco BPM. Accessed on August 29, 2020
Wikipedia, Category: Companies of Italy. Accessed on August 29, 2020
Wikipedia, Ferrari. Accessed on August 29, 2020
Wikipedia, List of companies of Italy. Accessed on August 29, 2020
WikiVisually, List of largest banks. Accessed on August 29, 2020
World Atlas, The Biggest Italian Banks by Total Assets. Accessed on August 29, 2020